Top Cooking Tips for Students


Animesh Sarkar

It is not a lie that the average student goes to university with little or no experience in the kitchen. Yet just because your parents are no longer around to whip you up an evening treat, doesn’t mean you have to resort to a life of ready meals and pot noodles.


Below we have outlined our top cooking tips, which will make even the novices amongst you a culinary genius in no time. Top Tips 1. Use aluminium foil – an easy way to keep your foods moist – especially meat – is to oven cook them in aluminium foil parcels. This will help to seal in the flavour and limits the amount you will need to wash up. 2. Make use of excess – excess vegetable are great for making soups to keep you warm in the lecture room. Simply dice them up; boil them in water and stock and leave them to simmer until everything is tenderised. Once tender, liquidise in a blender until smooth – delicious! 3. Make extra – we know you have got coursework to do so when you have got the time to make casseroles, pasta bakes, Bolognese or chilli, aim to make enough so you can freeze some for later. 4. Plan ahead – say you choose to have a baked potato for lunch, cook an extra one at the same time which can later be sliced into wedges and fried for your dinner or your lunch tomorrow. 5. Consider marinating – marinating your meats, poultry and fish is a superb way to increase flavour and keep your meals interesting. Lemon, lime, garlic and peri sauces make some of the best marinades. Just be mindful that some marinades require less time than others. 6. Manage your time – vegetables for example cook a lot faster than beef, so you need to manage your time when you are cooking your meals so they are all ready at the same time. This will take some practice, but most foods will give you an estimate of how long they will take to cook. Similarly, if you are using the oven, remember to preheat before you put your food in as this will reduce cooking time. For instance, place your food in the oven at the same time you turn it on and it will take longer to cook as your oven won’t instantly be 200C. The way you cook food, isn’t the only way you can guarantee an easier experience in the kitchen. The following preparation tips will also help to keep things smooth sailing: — You can limit washing by lining your tins and trays with aluminium foil. Once you have finished cooking, you can throw the foil away and give the tray a quick rinse. — You can make the most out of sauces by adding a little water to the jars once you have emptied them out. This will help to dislodge any sauce clinging to the sides, and increase the amount of sauce you use. — It is easy to accumulate carrier bags from the supermarket, but you don’t have to let these idle away in the cupboard. You can easily recycle these bags on your next food shop or use them to line your bins. — No one likes cleaning, but cleaning on the go will save you the daunting task of washing a mountain of dishes or dealing with a pile of dirty laundry. — You can reduce your time at the sink by placing your utensils, pans and plates in a bowl of hot soapy water. This will prevent food from drying to the edges and becoming hard to scrub off. And that’s it! Incorporate any of these tips into your routine, and conquering the kitchen will be a piece of cake. So give them a try and make cooking an enjoyable experience. For more food and meal preparation tips, visit

Thank you for reading this article. For more information on how to cook

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as well as other food related articles, please visit our website on

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