By John Manci

Treating Anxiety Disorder is something that takes time and effort. Many people, who are usually trying to help, make the common mistake of forcing people to do things that a sufferer feels particularly anxious about. Without preparation or guidance this can make the situation worse rather than better. The hardest part of alleviating Anxiety Disorder is the fact that many people who suffer see problems where other’s don’t. Severe cases can mean that a person even struggles going into a shop to buy a paper. They will be worrying that people are talking about them or laughing at them and even if everything goes perfectly well they may still be convinced of the worst. ‘Convincing’ them that this isn’t the case will be the hardest part of any cure for Anxiety Disorder.

The key to diagnosing Anxiety Disorder through testing is ascertaining the level and frequency of a person’s anxiety. Every person suffers from anxiety in certain situations and can actually help us perform better or react better but a person who suffers from Anxiety Disorder is always anxious and can be debilitating. It should be determined whether a person suffers when they are about to do certain things or whether they suffer on a much more general scale.


Because of the nature of an Anxiety Disorder the patient must be aware that they will not be judged on their answers to a test. They must be put at ease and be entirely comfortable with taking the test and having someone read the answers. It is ill advised that a doctor perform this test on a patient they do not know.

According to the formal diagnosis for a General Anxiety Disorder a patient must have suffered from anxiety due to everyday problems for a minimum of six months. This can be shorter if the anxiety is particularly dangerous or concentrated around certain events. Proper testing for an Anxiety Disorder will, therefore, need several test over a fairly long period of time.

Because there are a number of different areas that ascertain whether a patient does indeed suffer from Anxiety Disorder it can be difficult to give them the appropriate test. Putting them in a situation that would cause anxiety is unlikely to yield results because people who suffer from an Anxiety Disorder may have spent their entire lives finding a way to mask their worries and concerns.

About the Author: John Mancini has been writing about Anxiety Disorder online and offline for a long time. Visit


to read more about matters like anxiety disorder and separation anxiety disorder.


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